KnowDiabetes® Coaching
On-demand personalised support
to customers delivered by
Credentialled Diabetes Educators
we work with
Medical Device
Consumer Health
Health Insurance
Diabetes Association
Empowering customers remotely
Supporting individuals in
between face-to-face
Enabling the full use of the digital eco-system that the pharma/medical device company already has in place
Diabetes care requires a collaborative approach, taking into account the
individuals preferences and priorities.
Education to support self management is an integral part of diabetes care. Credentialled Diabetes Educators (CDE) play a major role in self-empowering people with diabetes by focussing on an individual’s needs, providing knowledge, motivation & support.
“KnowDiabetes coaching enables organisations to support their customers through one-on-one sessions delivered remotely by CDE”.
Diabetes is 24×7 for 365 days a year. Never takes a vacation.
Individuals often feel the need for support in-between consultations
“KnowDiabetes coaching complements the face-to-face care by supporting self-management”.
Often their is an assumption that the health professionals guidance during face-to-face consultation was clear, does not conflict with advice of others, and that the individual recalls the instructions clearly.
“KnowDiabetes Coaching supports collaborative-decision making reinforcing and clarifying the key messages taking into account the individuals preferences & priorities”.
Health literacy plays an important role in enabling effective partnerships. Health literacy is about how people understand information about health and health care and how they apply that information to their lives, use it to make decisions and act on it.
“KnowDiabetes Coaching uses the power of CDE to deliver care,
understand health info and help improve the health of individuals.”.
Person centered care includes respect, emotional support, information and communication, continuity and transition care coordination and access to care
“KnowDiabetes Coaching empowers individuals using the person centered care delivered by CDEs on our digital platform”.
How it works
‘Information – motivation – behavioural skills model’
Information is a prerequisite for changing behaviour, but in itself is insufficient to achieve change. MOTIVATION and BEHAVIOURAL skills are critical determinants and are independent of behaviour change
“KnowDiabetes Coaching is delivered by Credentialled Diabetes Educator(CDE). CDEs are trained and invest time and effort on supporting motivation and behavioural skills.”
Ref- ADHERENCE TO LONG-TERM THERAPIES, Evidence for action. WHO 2003
How we deliver
- Coaching message identification
- Message validation
- Program design
- Program approval
- CDE training for pilot run
- Test run
- Evaluate program design
- Go/No Go
- CDE training for full scale up
- Program scale up
- Gate reviews
ROI analysis
- Program reviews
Contact us
We can launch a customised program in 7-10 weeks.
Tell us a bit more about yourself and the
KnowDiabetes team will be in touch soon